November 4 – 6 and 25 – 27, 2022
Lakewood Indoor Tennis Club, Saskatoon
(1635 McKercher Drive)
Course Facilitator
Tennis Saskatchewan administers the Tennis Instructor Course and the Club Pro 1 Course of the Tennis Canada / National Coaching Certification Program (NCCP). Applicants must complete all pre-requisites before moving on to the next level. Registration is to be completed on-line on a first pay – first entry basis. All fees must be paid in advance. VISA and MasterCard are accepted.
A minimum of 6 participants (per course) will be required for a course to proceed.
Participants should come prepared to participate, both on and off court – please bring your racquet.
For further information, please contact Tennis Saskatchewan at
306-780-9410 or email at tennissask@sasktel.net
To register for the Saskatoon course please click here.
Cost: $500.00 (plus GST) (on-line registration only)
Registration includes $63.00 one year TPA Membership
(please contact Tennis Saskatchewan at 306-780-9410 for financial assistance opportunities)
Entry Deadline: October 31, 2022
Course Times: Friday 6:30 p.m. – 9:30 p.m. (on-line session)
(both weekends) Saturday 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Sunday 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Minimum Age: All candidates must be turning 16 years of age or older at least one year after the course start date
Please note that those candidates who are 15 years old turning 16 within 1 year of the course can do all in-course testing. However, even if they have successfully completed all of the course elements, they won’t receive their Tennis Instructor certificate until their 16th birthday.
Play Level: To complete the Demo Test Evaluation, candidates need to have a play level of at least 3.0
Certification is comprised of demonstration, teaching, knowledge, professionalism and Making Ethical Decisions evaluations.
E-Learning Modules must be completed before the course starts (approx. 3 – 4 hours needed to complete).
Candidates will not be given access to their results until both the Making Ethical Decisions (MED) module and all 8 e-learning modules have been completed.
Instructors are trained to introduce players to the game using Progressive tennis in group lessons (1.0 – 2.5 level) at tennis clubs, parks, community courts and in school gyms. The mission of instructor course is to develop instructors who will stimulate players’ growth and retention, and promote tennis as a sport for life, by delivering a quality tennis program.
Prerequisites: Minimum level of play: 3.0
Role in Industry: Beginning Instructor (Summer Camps, Park and Rec, Seasonal Clubs)
To maintain active certified professional status: TPA membership in addition to professional development every 4 years (or another certification course)
Please click on link below to get information on the following:
- What is the Instructor Course?
- Who is the Course For?
- What Will I Learn?
- What are the Course Prerequisites?
- How will I be Evaluated?
- Who will lead the Course?
- Who will deliver the Course?
- What is a typical course schedule / structure?
- How do I register for the Course?
Instructor Course Information Guide
- Bring your racquet, note pad and pens.
- Proper tennis attire is required for the duration of the course (i.e. non-marking soles, track suits and proper tennis shirts, shorts or skirts).
- Participants are responsible for their own meals (breaks provided).
- Participants are responsible for their own accommodation.
- 100% attendance is required to be eligible to be evaluated.
To maintain active certified professional status
- TPA membership in addition to professional development every 4 years (or another certification course).
Course materials
- To access all course materials, you must first register to the course. This sign-up process will automatically sign you up for the Instructor Course, for the Tennis Professionals Association (TPA) and create a new Coaching Association of Canada (CAC) account or connect your pre-existing CAC account to your TPA account. The course material will be in the My Course section of your TPA account. Please follow the instructions in the pre-course work document.
- The following participant materials are required for use during the course so please bring copies:
- In-Course Workbook
- Instructor Evaluation Guide (digital copy okay)
- MED Coach workbook (digital copy okay)
IMPORTANT: The Pre-Course Online Modules MUST be completed before the course begins. Candidates will not be eligible for the course until these modules are completed and approved by the Course Facilitator on the first day/night of the course.
Making Ethical Decisions Evaluation (MED)
- This is a National Coaching Certification Program (NCCP) requirement for all sports. The training module for this evaluation will be on the first weekend of the course. This competency is evaluated in an on-line evaluation to be completed between the 1st and 2nd weekends of the course. Please look at the pre-course work document, “Instructions for MED online evaluation” section, to learn how to complete this evaluation. Note: please do not attempt to complete the MED before the MED training module has taken place during the course.
- The Tennis Professionals Association (TPA) and Tennis Canada are committed to safeguarding tennis by delivering safe sport education and training, developing best practices and implementing current and comprehensive policies. As part of your registration, you will need to complete: a background check, accept the Code of Conduct, the declaration and complete the Respect in Sport for Activity Leader online module. These items need to be completes in order to be certified.
Once you have completed the course, you will be evaluated (on the final day of the course). If all competency evaluations are successfully completed, and you have completed the On-line MED evaluation, the Safe-sport pre-requisites, you will be certified as an Instructor.
In order to ensure all certified instructors, club professionals and coaches maintain “active certified status” based on their level of certification; there is a minimum ongoing professional development requirement. This is critical to maintaining or developing your knowledge, problem-solving, technical skills or professional performance standards. The TPA offers and endorses (with its partners) a wide variety of professional development opportunities.
The Tennis Professionals Association (TPA) is a member-based association devoted to growing the profession of tennis coaching throughout Canada. The TPA was developed by Tennis Canada for Canadian certified Instructors, Coaches, and Club Professionals. Since its inception in 2004, the TPA has grown from 800 members to over 2800.
Coaching excellence demands that every Canadian tennis instructor/coach/pro (for the remainder of this text the individual will be known as “Coach”) pursue professional development opportunities and keep abreast of new trends in the sport.
To be classified as “ACTIVE”, a certified coach must:
1. have achieved full certification at a particular level
2. be a member of the “Tennis Professionals Association”.
To maintain “ACTIVE” status, a coach must either:
1. Attend a tennis certification course at the level immediately above the level at which he or she is fully certified (note: it can also include taking a new stream of certification). The expiry dates for each certification level will be as follows:
- Instructor: 4 years expiry
- Club Pro 1: 3 years expiry
- CP2, CP3, Coach 2, 3, 4 and 5: 2 years expiry
2. Attend one of the following prescribed professional development opportunities (Recertification opportunity).
- Coaching Conference (endorsed by Tennis Canada or PTA)
- Professional Development Course in-person or online (endorsed by Tennis Canada or PTA)
- Auditing a previously attended certification course (only if the previous course that has been taken has been updated)
The Expiry dates for each level is as follows:
- Instructor: 4 years expiry
- Club Pro 1: 3 years expiry
- CP2, CP3, Coach 2, 3, 4 and 5: 2 years expiry
Coaches who do not fulfill the above requirements will be classified “INACTIVE”.